7 Phases of the Blog's Development That You Should Know

7 Phases of the Blog's Development That You Should Know

Having a blog requires the steps of maintaining. You make it, update it, and monetize it with some programs. Sometimes, you get disappointed in the effort because it does not earn money. It makes you less enthusiastic to do blogging anymore. Finally, you assume that earning much more money from a blog is difficult to do. The solution is to develop your blog to be a money machine. There will be some phases of the blog's development that you should know.

1. Planning and Foundation

The first phase of the blog's development is its planning. The project's planning is to determine the purposes and targets of a blog's development project. This phase is crucial because it determines the result. The next stage is to divide into sub-parts.

Need Analysis - This analysis is to find the right requirements for a website. It belongs to the users' target, website purpose, detailed features, and other information details about the website.

Project Summary - The project summary summarizes website requirements. The document is usually short and functional to be a pioneer spot for all blog-building processes.

Resource - The blog's planning phase also defines software and resources for a website project. Every need must be identified. All resource requirements add to a project budget.

A foundation is to make beneficial and high-quality content for a blog setup. In addition, the content quality is also a crucial factor. The range number is 50 to 100 posts. Every blog setup is a plugin installation required. You should design an attractive blog display and do search engine optimization. This foundation phase requires 3-6 months. Many bloggers fail in this phase because they focus and get busy monetizing blogs, not the content.

2. Traffic Growth

One of the phases of the blog's development is traffic growth. This phase is signed to increase traffic, comments, RSS customers, and income. The main focus of this phase is writing beneficial content and getting high-quality backlinks. The best way to get high-quality backlinks is by being a blogger guest in famous blogs or your writings backlinked to the other blogs. It requires time and energy to reach those things. However, it is beneficial for the next few days.

Many bloggers make mistakes in finding backlinks such as registering the post to the directory, commenting on the blog to follow, etc. Google has an advanced machine differentiating a high-quality backlink. Regardless of that thing, the traffic growth phase is a long process spending time for 6-12 months. In addition, traffic growth is a slow process increasing consistently.

3. Website Designing

Another important phase of blog development is designing its website. In this phase, the development team focuses more on selecting a theme, colour, layout, feature, and other aspects of that website and blog. During this phase, the designers combine some elements such as the company logo, colour-strengthening brand identity, a theme representing a company product portfolio, and an elegant layout to make it more attractive. The blog designer will make one or more prototype designs for a website. Then, the prototype will be sent to the affiliate to review and choose its design.

4. Blog Development

In this phase, a developer team divides every website element and uses it to make a functional website. This phase includes a front page development after the shell is completed. Website shell contains navigation structure and layout without contents. After the owner provides the contents, it is distributed to all appropriate sites with the formed Shells. On the technical side, the website's development includes elements to design an interactive box, apply a payment gateway, and choose CMS like WordPress, Magento, and Joomla.

5. Monetizing

Monetizing is one of the phases of the blog's development. It is signed with the high traffic and hard efforts to the blog's development phase. Furthermore, RSS customers reach thousands and many posts of the blog's guests. Because of more traffic and customers, a monetizing effort will be easier. The blog's owner can make a deal with the advertiser, optimizing PPC, optimizing affiliation, and selling products or services. This phase requires 6-12 months to reach success.

6. Testing

The end phase of the blog's development is testing. In this phase, a website design adds a final touch to this blog and tests the site before it is released. The designer will test a complete functionality from the site to make sure that all features are running well without any mistakes. The site designer will test all the main scripts and forums to make sure that the site can display content well on different devices and platforms. It will verify an internal link and the other tasks.

The blog and website designer will validate a site code to ensure that all run to fill the new website standards. This ensures that the website can work smoothly without any problems. This website shows to the affiliate to get the final approval from the site. After the final agreement, it is time to give it to the affiliate. The website developer team will add smooth details to optimize the functions of websites.

7. Maintenance

Maintenance is an interesting and fun phase. The bloggers reaching this phase are famous bloggers with strong efforts. The time to do this phase is unlimited. Bloggers need to maintain the popularity of their blogs to attract more guests and viewers visiting your blog. It is related to the money that you get when you have monetized your blog to earn much more money.

Producing a lot of money from blogs is a long process. The long process will make you frustrated because the income is not too big. However, if you understand the earlier phases of the blog's development, those will be easy steps to do. Enjoy all the phases that you pass. The first impression of the viewers is influencing the evaluation of the whole website. Make sure that you get a positive impression of the viewers to build online success through your blogs. A good blog will give you more benefits.

Faisal "The successful warrior is the average man, with laserlike focus." - Bruce Lee

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