How To Politely End A Topic You Don't Wanna Talk About

How To Politely End A Topic You Don't Wanna Talk About

Wondering how to politely end a conversation? Sometimes, when you are in a group of friends or acquaintances, they talk about a topic or even ask you a question that you are not comfortable to share. In such a situation, it is reasonable and totally okay for you to change the topic or end the conversation.

However, things might get awkward when you do so. So, how can you politely change the topic of a conversation that you don't want to talk about? Below are some tips that you can follow.

Admit a Statement/Answer the Question Then Change to Another Topic

When someone starts to talk about something that makes you uncomfortable, you can respond honestly. Answer their question or give a statement honestly, then direct the conversation to another topic. This will give them a signal that you don't want to continue talking about the topic, showing them that you are uncomfortable.

For example, when your coworker asks about how you broke up with your ex, you can just say that it was a tough farewell, and you want to move on by travelling somewhere. Then, ask them if they have any recommended destinations for you.

Give Praises

Who doesn't want to get praised? Everyone loves praise, and you can use it politely to end a conversation or topic that you no longer want to continue talking about. For example, your friends talk about politics, in which you are the only one who is not interested in politics. It's surely not comfortable being left out in a group.

So, you can praise the person by saying how amazed you are with their knowledge about politics. Then, ask them about their educational background or what makes them so interested in politics. You can then direct the conversation away from the topic you have no interest in.

State Your Reason Why You Change the Topic

Some people just don't realize the signal you already give to them, signalling that you don't want to talk about a certain topic. They keep talking about it or giving endless questions even though you already try to change the topic, making you even more and more uncomfortable. In this situation, it's fine to protect yourself by letting them know that you don't want to talk about it.

Tell them that you want to change the topic and your reasons why you do so. Just politely tell them that the topic makes you uncomfortable, or it brings bad memories to you. Then say, "can we please talk about something else?"

Go Somewhere for Minutes

Another thing you can do to avoid a topic that you are not comfortable talking about is by going somewhere for a while. Tell your friends or colleagues that you need to go to a restroom when they start to have a conversation that you hate or ask you an inappropriate question. This shall make them realize that they need to change the topic when you are back.

Or you can do it more nicely by saying, "I want to make some coffee, do you guys want some too?" When you're back, start a new topic, such as how the coffee smells so good and ask if your colleagues have any favourite brand of coffee. If they insist on talking about the topic you previously avoided, firmly tell them that you have to leave now.

Make Others Respect Your Boundary

You have to know that ending a conversation doesn't mean ending your friendship or other relationships. When someone being aggressive, offends you, or takes too much of your time, you have the right to defend yourself. Have your boundaries respected by using clear, assertive sentences and tones.

Instead of saying "can I get back to work now?" say "I'm sorry, but I need to go back to work now." When people keep talking about something that makes you feel uncomfortable even after you give them signals, say, "I'm sorry, but this topic makes me uncomfortable. I better leave if you guys want to keep talking about it."

People pleaser and those who are too kind and too friendly will probably find this hard to do. But if you don't do something, people will think that it is fine to cross the line. On the other hand, they need to know that others have their own boundaries that they have to respect.

Tell Them That You Don't Have Much Time

This one is probably the easiest way to politely get out of a conversation you no longer want to be involved in. You can say that you would love to talk more with them, but unfortunately you have a lot of work to do, or you are in a hurry now. You can also sugarcoat things by saying, "let's catch up another time", and so on.

Another example is that you can say, "this is a fun talk, but I really need to go now." This way, you can escape a conversation without creating an awkward situation or hurting other people in the conversation. If they try to make you stay, don't hesitate to insist and make it clear that you really have to go.

Put a Time Limit

We all have that one 'friend' who loves to gossip or talk a lot. If you meet this friend and find it hard to avoid them, you can just put a time limit in the conversation with them. Tell them that it is nice to meet them, but you only have minutes to talk. This way, you don't have to listen to their gossip all day long. It is better to say it in the beginning.

For example, "It's nice to meet you and I want to have a nice talk, but I only have 10 minutes because I have to pick the kids up at school. I need to run."

Tell That You Need to Meet Other People

The next reason that you can use to leave a conversation is by saying that you have to meet someone. You can also tell them who that someone you are going to meet. For instance, "I have promised to meet my father in 10 minutes, I haven't met him since last weekend." There is nothing wrong with making things up.

You can tell them that you are going to meet someone important so that they will not be able to make you stay, such as your parents, boss, clients, and so on.

Tell That You Have an Online Course to Attend

Although the pandemic is over, online classes and courses are still there. So, you can use this excuse to escape from an uncomfortable conversation. You can tell them that you have an online class or course that you cannot skip.

If you find yourself in a group talking about something that you have no interest in or even make you feel uncomfortable, don't hesitate to leave. You have every right to listen to only meaningful conversations and surround yourself with positive people. If you happen to be in such a situation, you can use those excuses mentioned above.

So, those are some ways on how to politely end a conversation without making others feel awkward.

Faisal "The successful warrior is the average man, with laserlike focus." - Bruce Lee

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